Sunday, December 18, 2011

Ital - Dub Me For Tonight (Saviour's Love Megamix)

I am just a horrible person in the morning. I can't help it. I wake up and I just normally want to punch whatever it is that made me wake up.

I can't be the only person with anger issues in the morning, can I?

I will put on a 100% Silk track any time any place.

This is a house track that is huge and falling apart at the same time. There is something tying this racket together but it is hard to hear at first. It slowly grows and grows into some sort of monster future house track that just makes sense at the end. It ends with it being about the vocal but most of the fun comes from everything that leads up to climax. The slow crawl up to the top of the roller coaster is why going down the other side is always so terrifying/fun. And then it all starts to melt away in a mess of neon synth swishes and appreggios until it just sort of whimpers out.

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